I guess I’mma be a Superstar

Hello friends and strangers who accidentally wandered into this strange land. Welcome! Yeah, so, I’m a Superstar now, but first, let’s start with a weekend recap!

The Hubs and I went to our niece’s birthday. She turned seven, and she loves unicorns and tea. So yes, naturally, it was a tea party with unicorn balloons. It was equally as fun to watch my Viking husband drink tea from a tiny floral teacup as it was to watch a room full of seven-year-olds play tag and hatch unicorns. Yes, that is a toy-thing these days. Lots of energy in one room!

Now, being a Superstar — I mean, more than normal, because I’m pretty much a superstar every day. Have you heard my dad jokes?! Superstar.

Anyway, this week I will be attending Superstars Writing Seminar for the first time ever. This is, from what I understand, the best of the best. The elite conference of conferences. The SpecOps of writing seminars. Basically, a big deal. I’ve heard about it for years, and last year I even tried for a scholarship, but was unsuccessful.

This year, one of my “aunties” decided I would be her helper in the bookstore. I’ve been conferencing for years, and she knew I’d have no problems jumping in to help when she needed me — which she said wouldn’t be often, so I’d be free to attend sessions and learn from the greats. Of course, I took the opportunity! I can handle a bookstore. I started at PPWC in the bookstore what I was 11ish or so.

Sure, I was volun-told by my mom, and my job was bagging books — but I grew from there!

As did this volunteer opportunity.

There is an agent coming to this conference who is right up my alley, and my “auntie” decided I would meet her, and I would pitch her my New Hope Chronicles, and she would say “yes,” and I would finally come into my author greatness! I’m a bit more skeptical, but I would never waste an opportunity. Especially when someone else believed in me so hard they made it happen.

I am now moderating every session this agent is teaching. ::laugh::

So, to sum up — I have no idea what I’m doing, but I’m going to do it to the best of my ability. My buddy even convinced me to make business cards to take to this event, so I can “market myself appropriately.” I also have no idea what I’m doing with that. There will be all-stars and big names and amazing people, and also me. I’m going to do the best I can mingling with these humans, but I will take all the good juju you are willing to send my way.

Stand by for Torie’s Stories next week. I’m sure something will happen this week.

Wish me luck!

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