My Underlying Attitude for 2022

Well, we’ve done it. We got through 2021 in one piece. There was chaos and uncertainty and so much unknown – but here we are. Well done, you.

As we jump into a new year, a “fresh start”, I have a some thoughts that I want to carry with me into the new year. Things I discovered of myself from lots and lots of different sorts of conversations from the last year, and that I now hold as a personal mantra. These are my core beliefs, and maybe they resonate with you too – or maybe you think they’re idiotic. It’s personal, and I encourage you to find your own core.

  1. You can’t know you’re right
    • There is a lot happening all over the world. And I mean a lot! And there is news and coverage coming out the wazoo – which is good and bad at the same time. No matter what is happening, no matter the decision, you can find studies and research for both sides. One article will say “X is absolutely true!” And another will say “X is definitely not true.” And yet another that says “Why are you worrying about X, Z is the greater problem.” And so on and so forth. Everyone has their own biases, known and unknown, and I do believe we all lean toward articles and stories that back our own beliefs. It’s natural, we all want the validation. But there’s no where to grow if you absolutely know you’re right – because how can you know? Truly? I, of course, have my own ideas that I formed through my own research and news following – but I absolutely do not know that it is true. I think it’s logical, and makes total sense, but I also recognize that there’s so much I don’t know. So I go into conversations and situations believing what I believe, but ready to listen to what someone else has learned. If you know it all, what’s even the point? Keep an open mind, friends.
  2. Everyone is doing the best they can with what they believe to be true
    • This goes along with the above. Everyone has done their own research. Everyone has their own preferred news source. Everyone has had conversations with friends and not-friends. Everyone has reached their own conclusions based on what they’ve gotten from those sources. Yes, some people are just jerks. That can’t be helped. But for the most part, everyone is just trying to do the best with what they think to be true. So be open to conversation and dialogue – most of the time, people are not attacking, they just want to be heard.
  3. Decide for yourself that 2022 is going to be good
    • There is no guarantee that 2022 isn’t also going to be terrible. More sickness, more fighting, more division, more restriction, more everything. We don’t know. We can’t control that. What we can control is how we face it all. It is entirely up to us what we do in these situations. I tried an experiment last year where I looked every single day for something that made me happy. Some small joy that brightened my day, and I can’t tell you how good that was for my soul. Things are tough, it’s not going to be a good day everyday. But I guarantee you that if you look, there are small joys every single day. So look for them, and decide that no matter what, you’re going to be happy with what you have. Choose to be happy, choose to be pleasant, choose to smile even when everyone else grimaces. I think you’ll be surprised at how it makes you feel, and what it might do for someone else who is on the other side if that chosen positivity.
  4. Don’t wait
    • Why do we wait? What even is that? Are we waiting for the right time? Or the perfect moment? What? It’s dumb, really. Stop waiting. You want a piece of chocolate cake – have one. You want to go to the movies – today’s the day. You want to tell someone you think they’re the most amazing person on earth – just do it! So much is lost and wasted waiting for… something we don’t even know. Tomorrow is not guaranteed, so just stop saying you’ll do it tomorrow. That includes stopping to put gas in your car. ::laugh:: Say what you need to say – apologies, “I love you”s, voicing complaints or compliments- whatever it is, now is the right time.

So there ya go. Love it or hate it, I hope it at least gives you ideas. I’m not here to tell you what to think or feel, but I’m happy to be here if you want to talk or cry or scream. All you gotta do is reach out.

Happy New Year, friends. Let’s make it a good one.

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