The Voices in my Head: Part 3


Well, it is Monday once again, and I have yet another interview for your reading pleasure.  Apparently all of August is Character interview Month.  I’m not even sad about it, I’m loving this.  And I mean, really, what better way to get to know your characters but to talk to them?  In an official capacity?

Okay, yeah, I see how that sounds.  Let’s talk to imaginary people…whatever.  Today I roped in the hero’s best friends.  And man oh man are they very different souls.  This will be an experience.  Enjoy!

Me:  Okay boys, I’ve tried this a few times, and so far I’ve had to break up a fight and run for my life.  I’m hoping the two of you can behave yourselves.

Uriel: Of course, of course.  I am an angel after all.

Xander:  ::crosses his arms over his chest and scoffs::

Me:  Don’t mind him, he’s referred to as the dark angel.  I think he’s just jealous at meeting a real angel.

Xander:  ::turns his death glare to me:: I don’t get jealous.

Me:  ::pauses for a sigh::  Yup, this is going to go well, I can tell.

Uriel:  Come child, just ask us your questions.  We shall answer them all honestly.

Me:  Well, you will because you have to.

Uriel:  Ask!

Me:  Okay, well I start all of these with introductions.  Who are you, where are you from, where do you live–that sort of thing.

Uriel:  Ah, that is easy.  I am Uriel, sometimes known as the Light of God.  ::pauses to wait for recognition–there is silence::  I am from heaven where I kept watch of the gates of Eden.  At the moment, I am stationed with the rest of the Archangels on earth, at The Gates.

Me:  And where are The Gates located?

Uriel:  On earth.

Me:  ::blinks at him:: No, I mean…nevermind.  Xander?

Xander:  It seems you know my name.

Me:  Well yeah, but the others don’t.

Xander:  What others?

Me:  The, uh…the people that read my blog.

Xander:  ::glares at me::

Me:  Fine, I’ll do it. This is Alexander from Latvia. He–

Xander:  Don’t call me that again if you have a fondness for your tongue.

Me:  ::gulps, leans back in chair::  Xander, this is Xander.

Xander:  ::nods in approval::

Me:  Mercy me, let’s carry on, yeah?  What are your favorite quotes?

Uriel:  I’m quite a fan of Shakespeare.

Me:  Well that’s news to me.

Uriel:  ::nods:: My attendant introduced me to his works, and I find them quite entertaining.

Me:  Interesting.  Okay.  So what’s your favorite Shakespeare quote?

Uriel:  “Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.”  From his play, Twelfth Night.  I do believe he was quite accurate in this observation.

Me:  Wow…that’s great, Uriel.  Thanks.  ::turns to Xander::  What about you?

Xander:  “Every man forges his own destiny.”

Me:  ::waits::  And who said that?

Xander:  Everyone.

Me:  ::grits teeth and forces a smile::  Of course.  Good ol’ “everyone”.

Xander:  ::stares::

Me:  Fine.  What is your favorite outdoor activity?

Xander:  Hunting.

Me:  ::shivers::  I bet it is…

Uriel:  Ah, you also enjoy the hunt?  What is your greatest catch?

Xander:  ::grins wickedly, but says nothing::

Uriel:  ::looks to me::  I should not press for details, should I?

Me:  No, you should not.

Uriel:  Well, I truly enjoy gardening.

Me:  Gardening?

Uriel:  Yes.  I find it fascinating to watch the plants grow.

Me:  You don’t mean literally, do you?

Uriel:  Of course I do.  Why?

Me:  I mean, well, that’s just a long time to sit there and do nothing.

Uriel:  I am not doing nothing.  I am watching the plants grow.

Me:  ::stares open mouthed::

Xander:  ::chuckles behind his fist::

Me:  I don’t know why I do this to myself.  Okay, what is your favorite sound?

Uriel:  Have you ever heard a star erupt into existence?

Me:  ::gaping::  No.

Uriel:  That is too bad.  It is a very beautiful sound.

Me:  ::looking sideways at Xander::  I bet it is.  Please just give me an easy answer on this, Xander.

Xander:  I like the guitar.

Me:  Wait!  Who plays the guitar?

Xander:  I do.

Me:  Since when?

Xander:  ::gives me a look that lets me know how stupid he thinks I am::

Me:  Fine!

Uriel:  Are you upset, little one?

Me:  No one calls me “little one”, and I’m fine.

Uriel:  ::holds his hands up::  As you say, but you sound quite upset.

Me:  ::through gritted teeth::  I said, I’m fine.

Uriel:  Have you any other questions?  I should be returning soon.

Me:  ::looks at notes::  Yeah, a couple more.  Um…What would you do if you were immortal for a day…?

Uriel:  ::looks at Xander::  

Xander:  ::quirks an eyebrow and looks back at Uriel::

Uriel:  You are also immortal?

Xander:  ::nods::

Uriel:  I see.

Xander:  You know how stupid a question that is, right?

Me:  ::facepalm::  I do.  Thanks so much for pointing it out!

Xander:  You’re welcome.

Me:  Alright, we’re done.  I don’t want to do this anymore.  Why do I keep doing this?

Uriel:  Come now, it was a great time.  And no one is fighting!

Me:  I think “great” might be stretching it just a bit.  But I suppose you’re right.  This was marginally better than the other interviews.  Thanks guys.

Xander:  ::shakes his head as he gets up to leave::  Now I know where Tree gets it from.

Me:  That’s it!  ::runs at the vampire::  I’m going to kill you!  I’m your creator, you know!  ::Uriel grabs me around the middle to hold me back::  All I have to do is write you out of the story!

Xander:  You can try.

Me:  You are such a pain in the ass!  I’m the author!  I write your story!  You should have some respect!

Uriel:  Well, I suppose it is my place to say thank you to the, uh–readers.  I am going to see if I can ward a room that will keep our dear author in before she gets herself hurt.  Good day friends!

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