10 Reasons Why

Oh hi there friend!  It’s so good to see you, and I’m so happy you’re here!

Hey, did you know I have a book out there that you can physically hold in your hands to read?!  I mean, there’s also the e-book version too, that you can still hold in your hands to read, but not really hold in your hands… I’m getting off track.  The point is, #KissMeKieran is a full and complete published story, and you can go out there and find it at any time!

So I thought I’d give you 10 amazing reasons why you should go find a copy of #KissMeKieran for yourself.

  1. Reading is good for you.  The dinosaurs didn’t read, and look at what happened to them…
  2. It has a hashtag, and hashtags are cool.  So if you buy my book, you too, are cool
  3. Um… there are dogs.  Helloooooooooooo!  Everyone loves dogs, except serial killers.  So if you don’t buy my book, you’re probably a serial killer.
  4. It’s the only story of mine that doesn’t end with everyone – or almost everyone – dying. (…said immediately after accusing other people of being serial killers…)
  5. It’s available in both book and ebook format – and variety is the spice of life.
  6. If you buy a print edition, it comes with both a front and a back cover!
  7. No two pages are alike!
  8. You’ll be more deeply exposed to my very unique sense of humor, and you might even laugh.
  9. If it garners enough likes and shares and reviews, we might be able to kick off the #KCU (Kieran Cinematic Universe)
  10. #KieranForPresident

There you have it.  Enjoy #KissMeKieran.

(Also, please note that it is in fact a well-crafted story, with dynamic characters that you’d want to be friends with… that seems worth mentioning too…)

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