Random Question

After a too long holiday hiatus, I am back! Not even on a Monday, so it’s starting well… Regardless – weekend recap. I had my first makeup lesson. Yes, I am a 30-something year old fashionista who has never learned anything about makeup. I’ve done basics my whole adult life;…

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Bursting with Ideas: Part 1

Most commonly asked question #1 for creative people (after “Are you crazy?!) — “Where do your ideas come from?”  Or “How do you come up with this stuff?” I feel like I would ask in return “how do you not?” (Is that snotty or bitchy?  Hmmm… well, no one will…

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Adorably Creepy.

That is what I decided my brand would be.  It fits me.  It fits my writing.  It fits my life. I mean, just look at that smile.  Adorable right? Now, check my Google search history, and let me talk to you about serial killers.  Then you’ll understand more of the…

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