The Last Time

In the hospital again. This time barely conscious and probably for the last time ever. She’d been in and out of the hospital more times than a hypochondriac. A spiral fracture to the arm, a dislocated shoulder, cuts that needed stitches, internal bleeding and massive ecchymosis – and it didn’t…

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The Muse

Every creative human is always searching for inspiration. They hunt and quest for that ever-elusive muse, never knowing that she could literally be right in front of them. I’m not everywhere all at once, but I’ve been right in front of writers and painters and musicians as they beg for…

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A Restful Place

“Oh father,” she breathed. “Look at the sunset. Look at the colors.” This hill was her favorite spot in all the worlds. She and her father had years’ worth of conversations sitting on this exact hill, under this exact tree. Discussions, debates, life lessons, stories, memories. So much had been…

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