Words To Live By

Recently, I was asked for some advice from a young writer.  She wanted some tips to make her writing better.  This young woman is insanely creative, and massively talented, and I didn’t quite know what to tell her.  I had to actually stop and think about what made my writing any good, and to me, it all boiled down to these simple ideas:

Write what you know

A lot of my characters are based on people I know, or obsess over. ::laugh:: That gives me a really solid base for a really real character.  Also, subject matter.  I write about zombies and vampires, and angels and demons.  Or there’s the one about apps and dogs, too.  Things I really love so I know very well, because I have an adorably dark soul.

Read a lot, and write a lot

The best studying any writer can do is to read.  Read often.  Read a lot.  Read all kinds of things.  You know what’s good writing and what’s not.  You know what you like, and why you like it.  So the more you read, the more you absorb this good writing, and can work it into your own style.  So read everything, let it inspire you, and write!

Just know it’s going to suck, and write more

I used the example of FUBAR.  I wrote FUBAR 10 years ago, and it was a good story in the beginning – but really, it was terrible.  It was too long, it wasn’t polished, and it desperately needed finessing.  This novel has gone through probably a dozen or more re-writes and revisions, but the core story remained intact – and I love this story.  Now, 10 years later, my critique group is reading it, and they’re loving it.  First drafts just suck – but that doesn’t mean the story sucks.

If you love the story, then there’s your success

I have eight full novels written, only one of which is published – and I am mostly okay with this.  I mean, yes, of course I want to get them all published, and I would love for the world to read my stories.  But I love my characters and their worlds and their stories, even if no one else ever reads them.  I can (and do) read them over and over and over, and never get tired of them.  To me, that matters.  That’s more important than writing something I hate and having everyone’s eyes on it.  So even if no one will ever get to know Tree and Chaos, I will continue to love them, and read their stories from now until the end.

Hopefully that will help her out.  Hopefully there’s something in there that maybe helps you out.  I would love to hear what pieces of advice really touched you, if you’re willing to share.

Now get out there and conquer!

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