What I’m working on for 2021

Hello you glorious human creature!  I am happy you’re here.  I will always be happy you’re here.

Today, I thought I’d touch base on all the current projects I’ve got in my basket right now.  Just so you know what to expect in the Torie Fox Pipeline. ::laugh::  I am always open to suggestions if there’s something you want.  I am here only for you – so don’t be shy!  Speak up.

First and foremost in the Pipeline is my “Gates of Humanity” trilogy.  I’ve actually got two and a half of the three stories done!  Not critiqued or edited, but at least written – and all writers know half the battle of writing is just finishing.  So I will take this victory.  The Gates was inspired by Season 7 of Supernatural, and the Leviathans – Dick Roman in particular.  Everyone loves Dick!  ::laugh::  

In Supernatural, the Leviathans start tampering with sweeteners and food additives, and brainwashing humans into insane lethargy so that they can then eat the humans.  Of course Sam and Dean save the world (duh!), but my story is about what would happen if no one stopped them?  What if they won, and they brainwashed and enslaved the entire human population?  What then?  In my story, Levi is a Prince of Hell (thanks Wikipedia), and the Princes are always battling the Archangels of Heaven.  So really, this is my take on an angels and demons story, where humans are the weapon and the prize.

I hope to finish the third story, and start this through critique so that it is ready for publication to you fine folks.  I want to at least have it ready for querying by the end of the year.

Second in the Pipeline is the “New Hope Chronicles”.  It was supposed to have been a trilogy, but Tree and Caine and Damien didn’t listen to anything I wanted to do, and took the story in their own directions, so it’s a four book series.  A quadrilogy, if you will.  I’m not sure if that’s a real word, but it probably should be.  It’s pretty perfect to describe this set of stories.

This one also came from Supernatural – because clearly I’m obsessed with that show… Anyway, I had a very in depth conversation with a friend over what would happen to vampires if they bit a zombie.  In the show, dead man’s blood is poison to the vampires, so if a vampire drank the blood of a zombie, would they turn zombie themselves?  Would the zombie turn vampire?  What on earth would actually happen?!  And that turned into four books of humans (and some vampires) against zombies (and some other vampires).

This set of stories is in desperate need of a revamp.  They’re great stories that are not so greatly written.  I’ve got to spit and polish those before I’d even want to put them in front of my critique group.  Lots of work there, but I love Tree and Caine more than any of my other characters.  So they’ll get the work and attention.

Third up would be my continued connection to Dogwood and the beautiful world that was created there.  There are a couple short story anthologies coming up, one for Halloween and one for New Years, and I’d like to have a story ready for each of those if I can manage.

Bottom of the Pipeline is my collection of short stories and flash fiction.  I’ve got a few really great short stories that I think would be thoroughly enjoyed if I could get them to an audience.  I’ve also got one that’s too long to be a short story, but too short to be a novel, so I’ve got to figure out where that lives, or if I add or remove to make it fit somewhere.  I’ve just never really queried short stories, so I’ve got to brush up on what the heck to do with them.  

And my flash fiction?  Well, I’d love to put them all together in a collection.  I had the idea once that flash fictions would be great for toilet reading – so I’d want to put all mine together and call it Flush Fiction: Short Reads to Go to that would be marketed for bathroom breaks.  Flashes are short enough to read during a pee, so why not?  But querying that will require more research than the short stories.

Side projects include turning the New Guy Quotes of the Day into a collection of comics.  I doodle alright, but I know some great artists that might be fun to collab with.  I’m also trying to work a full time job, coordinate a virtual conference, sell my house and find a new one, keep my workout schedule, and keep some semblance of a social life in my “free” time.

I started the motto “there’ll be time to sleep when I’m dead” in college when I was trying to work a job and keep up with my schoolwork – and it seems I’m never going to grow out of that saying.

One Comment:

  1. v.foxphillips
    Donnetta Johnson

    BAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! “Flush Fiction”! Genius!!!

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