The One With the Stickers

Because I wasn’t busy enough with an extrovert husband and a full-time job, I also decided to go full-bore with this release-a-book thing. As I mentioned in May, I made a sticker friend at Hanson Days, and her and I had vibes immediately — and thanks to her, I have a five-pack of stickers for Third-Night Stand!

But was that enough? Oh, no. Still not enough. I thought I needed even more still for a pre-order goody stack — so I also made a bookmark, and a drink card for the Purple People Eater that makes a pretty profound appearance in the book. I mean, with a name like that, who wouldn’t want to try one for themselves, right? Well, with the pre-order, you’ll have the recipe to do just that!

There are only twenty-five of each, though. Technically, twenty-four, because one full set is for me. ::laugh:: Once they are gone, they are gone. They can be purchased through and nowhere else. Get them before they’re gone forever!

How the T.N.S. cover started in my head, vs some of the back and forth between me and my cover artist, vs the final product!

Outside of Third-Night Stand promo and sticker creation, I have already started working on not one, but two more RomCom stories. One based on the interactions with the Dutch Celebrity, because he is too adorable to not make him into the hero of a book. The other is based in the worst Hallmark small town there ever could be. Both are fun. Both are calling to me. Both have to wait until life gives me time enough to write more than three sentences a week. But they are coming… stand by!

Outside of writerly things, I did get to see Paula Abdul and New Kids on the Block — both of which are well worth the price of admission. Paula A. is still dancing her teeny, tiny, little ass off on the stage at 62! Sure, she was also sucking down oxygen between songs, but I would have happily paid to watch a full hour and half of her and her dancers. Dayum!

And NKOTB are always hella fun. Those dudes still have wonderfully cheesy boy band choreography that I spend most of the concert trying to learn while grown women shriek around me like a group of banshees dead set on shattering the core of the earth with nothing but their enthusiasm and vocal chords. I have been to a lot of concerts, and I do mean a lot! Everything from boy bands to hard rock to death metal — and I have never left a concert more hard of hearing than NKOTB. Those ladies have lungs! But I am, and always will be, a boy band babe. Even if they were a little before my time, a boy band’s a boy band, and I’m gonna have fun.

Have a happy and safe Fourth of July, my friends!!! And I’ll see you next time.

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