Random Question

After a too long holiday hiatus, I am back! Not even on a Monday, so it’s starting well…

Regardless – weekend recap. I had my first makeup lesson. Yes, I am a 30-something year old fashionista who has never learned anything about makeup. I’ve done basics my whole adult life; foundation, blush, eyeliner, and mascara. That’s it. So over the weekend, a good friend taught me how to use the Nightmare Before Christmas color palette she got me – along with other things like bronzer, concealer, highlighter, makeup brushes, and those little squishy egg things. She literally quadrupled what I have for makeup! And after looking like a street-walking Jessica Rabbit for a while, she helped me blend it into something a little less attention grabbing. ::laugh:: Makeup Test 1 went as expected… Test 2 I’m sure will go equally as well.

On to the musings, now. I saw the question below on a writer friend’s Facebook wall, and I decided to explore this idea with my FUBAR friends. Much like the interviews, I decided to just compliment my MCs to see what would happen…

Me: Hey, Tree. I just wanted to tell you that I think you’re the ultimate badass, and you’re everything I wish I could be.

Tree: ::half smirk at me:: Thanks. I do what I can. It’s not easy being me.

Me: Yeah. ::rolls eyes:: That’s about right.


Me: Caine, you adorable rodeo clown, I love you. You are just the best, and you have great hair.

Caine: ::blushes slightly as he flashes his cologne ad smile:: That’s super nice of you, and all completely true, but uh… well, you’re just not my type. Thanks, though.

Me: ::also blushes:: Oh, no! I’m not… well, I guess if I really thought about it… no! No! You’re not my type either. You’re fictional.

Caine: Mmm hmm…

Me: Never mind.


Me: Dear sweet Damien, southern gentlemen and oozer of charm, I adore you. You are like a unicorn; so perfect you’re seemingly a myth.

Damien: ::slight dip of his chin:: Thank you, chere. That’s very kind of you.

Me: ::dopey smile::


Me: Burt. Hey. I think you’re great.

Burt: ::straight faced:: Thanks. ::walks away::

Me: ::nods head:: That’s how I take a compliment too.

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