Altruistic Misanthrope

Weekend Recap:

I missed a week, so let me assure you that we now have a full happy flock of chicks. We got four more from a hidden gem of a store up by my friend’s house. When she went the morning the chicks were available, there was only one other person there for babies. So she was able to facetime me so that I could pick out which adorable little fluffballs I wanted.

So now, on top of BJ and Brahama Mama, we also have:

  • Gemma, a sapphire gem
  • Buffy, a buff brahma
  • Spottadot, a silkie that my friend chose and named with her two little humans
  • Squiggly Spooch, aka Squiggs, an unknown breed of chicken who was just too cute not to bring home

They are living in my home office, warm and safe and spoiled. And BJ, our black jersey giant, is already big enough that with the assist from the toys I bought for them, she can hop to the top edge of their enclosure. So… I’m in trouble. I’ve got to find a way to keep them contained and happy until the end of April. Wish me luck!

Altruist: a person who believes in or practices disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others

Misanthrope: a person who dislikes humankind and avoids human society

Two very different types of people, yeah?


They are both somehow me.

It is no secret to anyone that knows me that I am a misanthrope. I do not generally like people, and I have no faith left in humanity. I think Thanos was the misunderstood hero who had it right, and the Infinity War movie just ruined a perfectly great end. The first time I heard it put correctly (at least in my memory) was in the amazing 1997 classic movie Men in Black, when Agent Kay was trying to recruit Agent Jay, and Jay wonders why they don’t just tell people, because “people are smart…”

A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals.

This about sums up how I feel.

I do know some really wonderful persons. I am surrounded by them, actually. But everyone is different with people they know than with people they don’t – and it’s those interactions with “people they don’t” that have shaped my misanthropy. I don’t let it dim my view of the golden persons that have helped shaped me as a person, but I have learned to go into most situations with very, very, very low expectations. Then I’m not once again disappointed with humanity. And if, by some great miracle, a human is a decent person, then I’m pleasantly surprised instead.


At the same time, in almost everything I do, I am thinking about how it will affect others.

For example, in the great toilet paper shortage of 2020, I was one of those people desperately searching for some TP before I had to find alternate methods. I finally found a store that had three 12 packs of paper left, and I grabbed one only, hoping that things would calm down soon and the shelves would be restocked once again. I left the other two for some other desperate souls that needed it.

My husband asked why I didn’t grab them all to make sure we were set. Who cares about those other unknown people who might or might not have done what I had? And my answer was, and remains to this day, “I don’t ever want to be one of those people.”

My guiding principle, as cliche as it seems, is the golden rule – do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

I don’t much believe that anyone else thinks of others, but I hope they do. I have to lead by example, doing what I hope others would do for me, because I need it for me; for my soul. Even when it might have negative effects on me, I have to think what I need versus what I want, and act accordingly. The fact that I have no faith that others would do the same does not keep me from acting as I believe one should act.

And who’s to even say I’m right? I’m just doing the best I can with the knowledge and life experience I have. That’s all anyone can do, really – so patience is key.

But also, let’s all just not be assholes.

I may not like people, but I won’t be an asshole.

There it is, altruistic misanthrope.

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