Adorably Creepy.

That is what I decided my brand would be.  It fits me.  It fits my writing.  It fits my life.

I mean, just look at that smile.  Adorable right?

Now, check my Google search history, and let me talk to you about serial killers.  Then you’ll understand more of the creepy.  

For the last two years or so, I deviated from my normal writing to jump into the world of Dogwood, where the best things in life are rescued!  That world is a Hallmark movie world of sweet romance and happy endings.  So for the last couple years, I’d been reading a lot of cutesy romances, and I’d been watching a stupid amount of Romcoms to help put my mind in that space to write in a world where saying “damn” should be avoided at all costs.  I needed that inundation of cutesy, sweet, adorable lovey-dovey stuff to create a story where nobody died.

But that is over now!

Well, not, like, forever.  Dogwood will always be a world I visit.  But I’m moving back into my apocalyptic worlds of darkness and death and gore.  FUBAR has been given the thumbs up for critique and editing.  I’m not sure where this story will end up, but I’m freaking stoked it’s coming into the light of day again.  This story, and these characters, have always been important to me.  Yes, it was the first full novel I wrote, but these characters literally spoke to me.  I dreamed about them all the damn time, and they are probably too real to me.  So I want this to work.  I want to make this a great success.

Naturally, I’ve begun to re-inundate myself with the creepy and grotesque.  (It’s a re-inundation because let’s be real – creepy and horrifying is kind of my thing…).  Years ago, I power-watched “Criminal Minds” – which follows the Behavioral Analysis Unit of the FBI as they hunt and catch serial killers.  I watched all there was, and wanted more.  I even may have written my own piece of fanfic.

Well, it’s back.  Husband and I have been watching this show together whenever we can find a little down time.  Anytime he asks “do you want to watch an episode”, I stop whatever I’m doing and rush to the couch like Pavlov’s dogs.  I love this show and everything about it.  Husband likes the show, but about once an episode, he’ll look at me and say, “you like some weird shit.”

And it’s true!

My reading has tilted more toward zombies and serial killers and ghost stories.  Supernatural has once again become my “background noise” while I work.  Netflix now has all horror movies under the “Recommended For You” section – and believe me when I say I’ve probably watched them all.  I’ve started revisiting the dark corners of my mind for new pieces of flash fiction.  (I don’t know why they always have to have a horror twist, I’m sure a flash could actually be funny or cute or romantic… but not from me.) 

So in the coming months, if you see me, and I tell you all about why Lake Superior is a great place to dump a body, don’t fret.  You won’t be that body (probably), I’m just trying to put my mind back in it’s horror cage so I can get Tree and Caine and their world of nightmare creatures to the public.  It’s all study time, really… yeah, yeah!  Let’s go with that.

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