20 Weird Questions to Ask a Celebrity

I am 100% on someone’s Google Watchlist… I LOVE to Google.  When I’m out of cell service, I don’t miss social media, or games, or streaming services.  No.  I miss Google.  So I’m sure there will be many a blog that start with:

“I Googled ___________”

For my first blog post on my new, shiny website, I Googled:

“most interesting questions asked to celebrity”

And while there are an absurd amount of ridiculous questions, I chose only 20 rapid-fire-queries to answer.  Not that I’m a celebrity, but this will be way more interesting than favorite color and where I grew up.

  1. What is your biggest/weirdest fear?
    • It’s not weird – at least I don’t think it’s weird – but I am crap scared of heights.  But mostly when I’m not in control.  
    • So standing on the edge of a cliff = OK.  
    • But flying in an airplane, or riding in a Ferris Wheel = Oh hell no!
  2. What would be your super power?
    • I want to be the female Wolverine.  If I could take huge amounts of damage and live a very long time, I’d get into so much more trouble!
  3. What pet would you love to have?
    • I want a fox!  Why can Russia have domesticated foxes, but I can’t?
    • Am I allowed to say velociraptor?  Cuz I’d change my answer to that…
  4. Do you like pickles?
    • Yes.  So much yes!
  5. Are you good at accents?
    • Actually, yes.  I’m a bit of a language nerd, and accents are a weird hobby of mine.
  6. What would be a good theme song for your life?
    • Halestorm – Black Vultures
  7. What would you name your boat if you had one?
    • Knot Shore
  8. Which fictional character would be the most exciting to meet in real life?
    • Ohmigosh!  I would have the best time with Lucivar Yaslana from Anne Bishop’s Black Jewel Trilogy.
  9. What is the best/worst purchase you’ve ever made?
    • Best = My wedding dress
    • Worst = Click Bait on Facebook for jeans… Worst. Decision. Ever.
  10. What’s a body part that you wouldn’t mind losing?
    • What?!  I’m rather attached to all my body parts, and I think I’d mind losing any of them…
    • If I had to chose a part to lose because a serial killer was making me decide, I think I’d say “I guess I don’t need two pinkie toes…”
  11. What’s your biggest screw up in the kitchen?
    • While making holiday cookies one year, I discovered that there is in fact a difference between evaporated milk and condensed milk, and they are not interchangeable.
  12. What’s the worst commercial you’ve recently seen?
    • All of them.  I can’t choose.
    • Though, the pop-tart commercials do always get to me.  Anytime I see one, I am craving pop-tarts hard core… 
  13. What is the dumbest way you’ve been injured?
    • I hit myself in the head playing putt putt golf before.  No joke.  Square in the forehead.  Left a whopper of a bruise.
  14. What ridiculous thing has someone tricked you into doing or believing?
    • I auditioned for a musical once.  There’s a reason it only happened once!
  15. If you were given a one-minute ad slot during the Super Bowl, what would you fill it with?
    • Terrible dance moves with an epic lip-sync.
  16. What’s the most useless talent you have?
    • I know how to choose good gifts, and I shop very well.
  17. What would be on the gag reel of your life?
    • Oh… jeez… so much.  See #13, for one.  Also, I fall up stairs and trip over nothing.  I have NO filter when I’m with my besties.  I’m a sucker for a dare, and I dance like an idiot.
  18. Where is the worst smelling place you’ve been?
    • Yellowstone – yes, sure, it’s beautiful, but it smells like rotten eggs all the time!
  19. What’s the weirdest question you’ve been asked?
    • F***, Marry, Kill – Poison Ivy, Cat Woman, and Harley Quinn
  20. Do you sing in the shower?
    • Oh yes.  Yes I do.

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