Monthly Musings

10 Commandments of Writing

Commandment 1: 1st Drafts Suck This is a known truth to writing.  So if you are reading your work, and you think it sucks – that’s okay!  That’s normal!  You’ll fix it later.  And if you are reading your work, and you think it’s awesome – it’s not.  It sucks. 

Hunting in the Urbs

Hello there friends, and welcome back to another nonsense adventure!  This week, I wanted to tell you all about the hunting trip I’ve been on for the last many weeks.  That’s right, I said hunting trip.  No, not for a Winchester.  No, not for a fluffy animal of any kind. 

Bursting With Ideas: Part 3

Today in our final installment of the Where-Do-You-Come-Up-With-This Trilogy, Fictional Blake Lively time hops from memory to memory to explain the origins of a few short stories I am working on.  There’s actually quite a few, but there are three that have fun birthings.  Those shall be the conclusions of

Bursting with Ideas: Part 2

Well, after a cumulative total of about 39.5 hours in the car, driving out to Michigan for a wedding, I’m back home, and hope to never be in a car again.  ::laugh::  Today, our mini-series continues with our heroines and heroes still starring in “Torie’s Life”. (Fictional Blake Lively and

Bursting with Ideas: Part 1

Most commonly asked question #1 for creative people (after “Are you crazy?!) — “Where do your ideas come from?”  Or “How do you come up with this stuff?” I feel like I would ask in return “how do you not?” (Is that snotty or bitchy?  Hmmm… well, no one will
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Adorably Creepy.

That is what I decided my brand would be.  It fits me.  It fits my writing.  It fits my life. I mean, just look at that smile.  Adorable right? Now, check my Google search history, and let me talk to you about serial killers.  Then you’ll understand more of the

My Thing

Welp friends, it’s Monday. Yeah, I know.  I know.  I used the word “welp”, and I’m not taking it back. My deep thoughts today revolve around the advice I think every writer gets at some point in their life – Write what you know.  And you know what?  It’s good

10 Reasons Why

Oh hi there friend!  It’s so good to see you, and I’m so happy you’re here! Hey, did you know I have a book out there that you can physically hold in your hands to read?!  I mean, there’s also the e-book version too, that you can still hold in

Why do I do this to myself?

Friends!  Friends’ Pets!  I’m so glad you’re back!   PS: If you ever want, find me on Instagram – I do a #SquishySunday each week where I share pics of my critters, and demand pics of yours.  So share some with me, use the hashtag, @mention me – I will never

The Care & Feeding of Introverts

Introvert /intrəˌvərt/ Noun a shy, reticent person According to Urban Dictionary (which is probably used almost as often as dear old Webster these days…) An introvert prefers to spend time alone in order to recharge their inner being. An introvert may appear to be shy to others, but that is

What’s in a name?

“Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo? …What’s in a name? That which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet; So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call’d, Retain that dear perfection which he owes…” Wow, I can still remember most of that soliloquy.  It was

What I’m working on for 2021

Hello you glorious human creature!  I am happy you’re here.  I will always be happy you’re here. Today, I thought I’d touch base on all the current projects I’ve got in my basket right now.  Just so you know what to expect in the Torie Fox Pipeline. ::laugh::  I am

My Personal Brand

How do you boil an entire personality down into just a few words? Heck, I can’t even boil down a story into a synopsis! But when I was revamping my website for the relaunch, my mother asked me what my personal brand was.  She was the one actually doing the

20 Weird Questions to Ask a Celebrity

I am 100% on someone’s Google Watchlist… I LOVE to Google.  When I’m out of cell service, I don’t miss social media, or games, or streaming services.  No.  I miss Google.  So I’m sure there will be many a blog that start with: “I Googled ___________” For my first blog

Welcome to Monday Musings

Welcome to my Monday Musings blog. Feel free to comment.

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