Monthly Musings

The One With the Stickers

Because I wasn’t busy enough with an extrovert husband and a full-time job, I also decided to go full-bore with this release-a-book thing. As I mentioned in May, I made a sticker friend at Hanson Days, and her and I had vibes immediately — and thanks to her, I have

The One With the Dutch Celebrity

May is one of my favorite months for many reasons, but the top reason is Hanson Days in Tulsa. Yes, that Hanson. MMMBop brothers Hanson. Every year, to celebrate Hanson Day (which is a real thing in Oklahoma) the boys put on an entire weekend of events for fans. There’s

The First Chapter of a New Year

Year End Review ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Highlights: Jan: Creative retreat with the “Aunties” and alcohol (aka. Writer’s Fuel) Feb: Superstars Writers Conference Mar: Baby Chickens — Skillet Concert + M&G — Powerwolf Concert Apr: Pikes Peak Writers Conference May: Met all three Hanson brothers <3 Jun: Baby Chickens: Part II — Shinedown

The Artist’s Dilemma: Where Do I Go From Here?

June Recap: What a month! Holy bologna. There were multiple birthdays, lots of yard work, a wolf encounter, and I kicked the chickies out of the house. Bye, chickie babies! The most exciting event of the month was the tour of the Wolf Sanctuary near Woodland Park, CO. I’d driven


Wow. Just wow. May has come and gone, and I am exhausted. It was a month of very high highs, and very low lows. Let’s recap. High: Hanson Days This is my favorite time of year! My favorite band, some of my favorite people, and so much music and good


Weekend Recap: As the title might suggest, I was at the Pikes Peak Writers Conference all weekend, and I am EX-hausted. It was a great weekend, but for an introvert with a dampened spirit, it was a lot. But let us embrace the exciting moments and talk about the highlights!

What Mask Would You Wear?

Weekend Recap: Well, not the weekend, but on Wednesday, I went to see PowerWolf with a dear friend and her two kids. She’s an absolute metal head, so her kids love that music too, so it was a family affair. These kids love PowerWolf, so they were thrilled to be

If I Won the Author Lottery…

Weekend Recap: This weekend, my niece came over to visit while her mama produced her a baby brother. Mother and baby are doing really well, and my little niece goes back to her parents tonight. I also went to a Skillet concert with a bestie and had a helluva good

Altruistic Misanthrope

Weekend Recap: I missed a week, so let me assure you that we now have a full happy flock of chicks. We got four more from a hidden gem of a store up by my friend’s house. When she went the morning the chicks were available, there was only one

Where Are They Now?

Weekend Recap: Well, this weekend we became pet parents again — this time to some tiny, fluffy, adorable baby chicks. For any that don’t know, when the Hubs and I moved into our new house in August 2021, it came with its own flock of chickens. We got six hens

All Peeps, No Sleeps!

Weekend Recap: Superstars Writing Seminar. Four full days of writers, workshops, keynote speakers, activities, books, food, laughter, new friends — and no sleep. It was hallways full of chatting friend-groups, and bars full of pitches and jokes and advice — from very early in the morning until very late at

I guess I’mma be a Superstar

Hello friends and strangers who accidentally wandered into this strange land. Welcome! Yeah, so, I’m a Superstar now, but first, let’s start with a weekend recap! The Hubs and I went to our niece’s birthday. She turned seven, and she loves unicorns and tea. So yes, naturally, it was a

It’s been a hot minute…

In general, I like to think of myself as a very positive person, but everyone hits their limits at some point. I sort of hit mine with writing last year. I love my stories, and I love my characters, and I genuinely believe my stuff is at least as good

Random Question

After a too long holiday hiatus, I am back! Not even on a Monday, so it’s starting well… Regardless – weekend recap. I had my first makeup lesson. Yes, I am a 30-something year old fashionista who has never learned anything about makeup. I’ve done basics my whole adult life;

My Underlying Attitude for 2022

Well, we’ve done it. We got through 2021 in one piece. There was chaos and uncertainty and so much unknown – but here we are. Well done, you. As we jump into a new year, a “fresh start”, I have a some thoughts that I want to carry with me

Merry Wishes and Fun Times

I know I’ve been a bit absent for a while. It’s been weird. Not bad, per se, but weird. There’s been no motivation for extra bits – like websites and blogs – but I wanted to make sure I got time enough to wish you a merry Christmas, a happy

Finding the Rose Among the Thorns

Hello there my friends, and welcome back.  I hope you had a lovely weekend, and are going into this new week with some energy and enthusiasm! Weekend Recap: I fully embraced my nerdy side, and I spent the weekend at a Supernatural convention.  I took Friday off so that I

From Beyond the Rainbow Bridge

Hello my dear friends!  And a happy Monday to you all. Weekend Recap: I flew to Tulsa with my CO Bestie to meet up with my OK Bestie for a double dose of Hanson.  Back to back concerts for their new album – and they did not disappoint.  I made

New Hope Playlist

Today I wanted to talk a little bit about music; the shorthand of emotion. I know a lot of authors who use music for inspiration, whether it be lyrics that jump out at them, or intense, powerful instrumental moments. The majority of my writing buddies like the instrumental stuff, because

Words To Live By

Recently, I was asked for some advice from a young writer.  She wanted some tips to make her writing better.  This young woman is insanely creative, and massively talented, and I didn’t quite know what to tell her.  I had to actually stop and think about what made my writing

The Voice in my Heard: Part 4

THE HEROES Monday, Monday, Monday! This was an insane weekend for me.  We finally moved into my unicorn of a house, and we are officially living there now!  Yay!  Albeit, we’re living out of boxes and large black trash bags – but hopefully after next weekend it’ll be more settled

The Voices in my Head: Part 3

THE HEROS’ BEST FRIENDS Well, it is Monday once again, and I have yet another interview for your reading pleasure.  Apparently all of August is Character interview Month.  I’m not even sad about it, I’m loving this.  And I mean, really, what better way to get to know your characters

The Voices in my Head: Part 2

THE VILLAINS Hi – Hello – Salut – Hola – Hallo – Ola – Ohayo – Jambo – Konichiwa And that’s about every way I know how to say hello!  You only get “Welcome back!” in English though. 🙂 I had so much fun with the interview between Tree and

The Voices in my Head: Part 1

THE HEROINES Ray Bradbury once said: “Remember: Plot is no more than footprints left in the snow after your characters have run by on their way to incredible destinations.”  In my case, my characters are on their way to cause chaos and pandemonium.  Most writers will understand this notion.   Today

An Open Letter to Whoever Watches my Google Search

Dear Sir or Ma’am who has “flagged” me due to my search history: Please allow me a moment to explain myself before you jump to any crazy conclusions.  I don’t need a lawyer, as this is not a “confession”.  Well, it is, but not in the “I’m guilty or murder”

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