Not with a Bang, but with a Whisper

Jean Michel Jarre: Oxygen


Corona Virus Disease 2019

The disease hit, and the world went to pieces.  Quarantines and lock downs, enforced to different levels of severity.  Families divided and kept apart for a long list of reasons.  Governments flailed, people rallied or revolted, and trust was broken between everyone.

The media took advantage of the chaos and made matters worse.  Whatever one headline read, there would be a complete and total contrarian headline somewhere else.  Whatever research was studied and quoted, someone else would have equal amounts of opposite research and facts.  There was all the information, and yet no information.  News was what you chose to believe.

So naturally when the vaccine came to fruition, the people were divided.

It’s got a microchip built into it

It’s got 95% efficacy

It’s going to cause long lasting effects, like sterility or zombieism 

It will protect you from the virus

It’s got an 80% efficacy rating

It’s just priming people for mind control

And on and on and on they went.  Both sides.  Arguing for what they believed to be true.  But no one knew the real truth.  No one would ever know.  They would guess and suspect, but the reality of the vaccine was darker and more sinister than any human could fathom.

The vaccine did what was promised, and so much more.  The mRNA technologies did indeed help the body create more proteins to boost the immune system.  It boosted them so much, in fact, that those who took it became immune to all diseases.  It was a miracle of modern science.  Absolutely incredible.

So when the fifth wave of Corona hit, the division between people was exposed.  Any who had taken the vaccine lived through it without even so much as a sniffle.  But any who refused it died within three months.  No one who contracted COVID 23 survived.  Not one single person.

And the vaccinated mourned those that were lost, but rejoiced in their sound decision.

Until the mRNA refused to stop encouraging protein creation.  The new cells that effectively protected against illnesses continued to reproduce, eventually attacking the brain.  It started with the occipital lobe, and people lost their sight.  Then it moved into the parietal lobe, and people couldn’t remember how to add or subtract, or spell their own name.  Next it hit the sensory cortex, and touch, taste, and smell were a thing of the past.  Last, it would hit the motor cortex, and that’s when people fell into complete paralysis.  

It never moved past that section of the brain, because once people were permanently still, the Reapers would have their feast.  They’d been waiting, biding their time in silent invisibility, starving slowly, until the time was right.  And a world divided was an easy thing to conquer.

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