Friday Flashings

Empty Inside by Damio-D on DeviantArt My little slice of heaven is quiet, and peaceful, and never, ever crowded.  I get three meals a day, I can nap as long as I want, whenever I want, and I am almost never bothered.  I get a new book delivered every Monday,
I knew my house was haunted six minutes after moving in.  I suspected before I even bought the place – what, with all the cold spots and flickering lights, it was “Haunted House: 101.”  But my suspicions were completely confirmed when only moments after hanging a portrait of me with

A Restful Place

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“Oh father,” she breathed. “Look at the sunset. Look at the colors.” This hill was her favorite spot in all the worlds. She and her father had years’ worth of conversations sitting on this exact hill, under this exact tree. Discussions, debates, life lessons, stories, memories. So much had been

The Call of the Siren

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The legend of the sirens was one we’d all heard from a young age.  Jason and his Argonauts made sure the word spread quickly through the mariners.  Beautiful women with sweetly toxic voices that could lure any man or woman to their death.  Knowing about them would not help nullify

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