Every creative human is always searching for inspiration. They hunt and quest for that ever-elusive muse, never knowing that she could literally be right in front of them. I’m not everywhere all at once, but I’ve been right in front of writers and painters and musicians as they beg for
I’ve lived in this house my entire life. There are so many memories here. I was born in this house. I grew up in this house, the youngest of ten children. I lost one brother in this house. I had my first kiss, and my first time in this house.
Sam came literally out of nowhere. It was a month or so after my craptastic ex dumped me because I was too childish. That shithead was never able to understand the difference between childish and childlike, and I knew it was actually for the best that we broke up –
I was such a cocky Em-Effer. I thought I had all my shit together. I thought I was so much better thaneveryone else. I mean, I was physically strong, I was very well-educated, I ran in the right circles, I knew all theimportant people. But I was wrong. When I