The Voices in my Head: Part 1

THE HEROINES Ray Bradbury once said: “Remember: Plot is no more than footprints left in the snow after your characters have run by on their way to incredible destinations.”  In my case, my characters are on their way to cause chaos and pandemonium.  Most writers will understand this notion.   Today…

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Hunting in the Urbs

Hello there friends, and welcome back to another nonsense adventure!  This week, I wanted to tell you all about the hunting trip I’ve been on for the last many weeks.  That’s right, I said hunting trip.  No, not for a Winchester.  No, not for a fluffy animal of any kind. …

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Bursting With Ideas: Part 3

Today in our final installment of the Where-Do-You-Come-Up-With-This Trilogy, Fictional Blake Lively time hops from memory to memory to explain the origins of a few short stories I am working on.  There’s actually quite a few, but there are three that have fun birthings.  Those shall be the conclusions of…

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Bursting with Ideas: Part 2

Well, after a cumulative total of about 39.5 hours in the car, driving out to Michigan for a wedding, I’m back home, and hope to never be in a car again.  ::laugh::  Today, our mini-series continues with our heroines and heroes still starring in “Torie’s Life”. (Fictional Blake Lively and…

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Bursting with Ideas: Part 1

Most commonly asked question #1 for creative people (after “Are you crazy?!) — “Where do your ideas come from?”  Or “How do you come up with this stuff?” I feel like I would ask in return “how do you not?” (Is that snotty or bitchy?  Hmmm… well, no one will…

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