
The world turned to ash under the emergence of the dragons.  They weren’t supposed to be real.  They weren’t supposed to be anything more than a beautiful creature in fantasy stories.  They were supposed to stay only in our imaginations. But scientists felt the overwhelming need to make all imagination…

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A Lesser Known Deity

Gods are not created equal. I have never had the supremacy and thunder of Zeus, nor the wisdom and skill of Athena, nor the beauty and allure of Aphrodite.  I have never had the power to control weather or any of the elements.  I cannot move mountains or tame volcanoes. …

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Red Ink

This is going to sound crazy, but I know how to win a raffle every time! I discovered this about ten years ago, when I was trying to win a pair of roller blades from Skate City.  We were there for a class party, and stupid Jeanie May would not…

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Hunting in the Urbs

Hello there friends, and welcome back to another nonsense adventure!  This week, I wanted to tell you all about the hunting trip I’ve been on for the last many weeks.  That’s right, I said hunting trip.  No, not for a Winchester.  No, not for a fluffy animal of any kind. …

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The Perfect Shade of Red

When you’re told as a kid to follow your dreams, they never mention the implied subtext that’s seemingly universally accepted. You can be anything you want to be – so long as it’s universally okay.  You can have fame, money, power – but you can’t lie, cheat, steal, or hurt…

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Bursting With Ideas: Part 3

Today in our final installment of the Where-Do-You-Come-Up-With-This Trilogy, Fictional Blake Lively time hops from memory to memory to explain the origins of a few short stories I am working on.  There’s actually quite a few, but there are three that have fun birthings.  Those shall be the conclusions of…

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The Perfect Fertilizer

I love my ranch.  I love the space and the seclusion.  I love my animals and my crops.  I love that no one bothers me way out here, and I love that I’m free to be myself.  I can wear my favorite pair of overalls everyday – the ones that…

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Bursting with Ideas: Part 2

Well, after a cumulative total of about 39.5 hours in the car, driving out to Michigan for a wedding, I’m back home, and hope to never be in a car again.  ::laugh::  Today, our mini-series continues with our heroines and heroes still starring in “Torie’s Life”. (Fictional Blake Lively and…

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Bursting with Ideas: Part 1

Most commonly asked question #1 for creative people (after “Are you crazy?!) — “Where do your ideas come from?”  Or “How do you come up with this stuff?” I feel like I would ask in return “how do you not?” (Is that snotty or bitchy?  Hmmm… well, no one will…

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