My Thing

Welp friends, it’s Monday. Yeah, I know.  I know.  I used the word “welp”, and I’m not taking it back. My deep thoughts today revolve around the advice I think every writer gets at some point in their life – Write what you know.  And you know what?  It’s good…

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That One Tree

All the other trees along the street had large, broad green leaves that turned golden yellow every fall and fell in a beautiful carpet to the sidewalk.  They were all lightly chestnut colored trunks, with swirlings of darker browns up and down the branches and bark.  They grew tall, but…

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10 Reasons Why

Oh hi there friend!  It’s so good to see you, and I’m so happy you’re here! Hey, did you know I have a book out there that you can physically hold in your hands to read?!  I mean, there’s also the e-book version too, that you can still hold in…

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Close Enough

Deadlines are a beast, but they never used to worry me… Not like they do now… I’d been writing and hitting deadlines since grade school, so I never used to worry about them.  Generally, I was that overachiever that finished early so that I could have at least one full…

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Why do I do this to myself?

Friends!  Friends’ Pets!  I’m so glad you’re back!   PS: If you ever want, find me on Instagram – I do a #SquishySunday each week where I share pics of my critters, and demand pics of yours.  So share some with me, use the hashtag, @mention me – I will never…

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Bird Call

The hoot of an owl wouldn’t have been such a strange thing to hear in the pitch dark of the woods at the beginning hours of a new day if they hadn’t all been caught, killed, or scared off.  We hadn’t heard owls in these woods for the last several…

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The Care & Feeding of Introverts

Introvert /intrəˌvərt/ Noun a shy, reticent person According to Urban Dictionary (which is probably used almost as often as dear old Webster these days…) An introvert prefers to spend time alone in order to recharge their inner being. An introvert may appear to be shy to others, but that is…

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Not with a Bang, but with a Whisper

COVID-19 Corona Virus Disease 2019 The disease hit, and the world went to pieces.  Quarantines and lock downs, enforced to different levels of severity.  Families divided and kept apart for a long list of reasons.  Governments flailed, people rallied or revolted, and trust was broken between everyone. The media took…

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What’s in a name?

“Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo? …What’s in a name? That which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet; So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call’d, Retain that dear perfection which he owes…” Wow, I can still remember most of that soliloquy.  It was…

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