The Voices in my Head: Part 1

THE HEROINES Ray Bradbury once said: “Remember: Plot is no more than footprints left in the snow after your characters have run by on their way to incredible destinations.”  In my case, my characters are on their way to cause chaos and pandemonium.  Most writers will understand this notion.   Today…

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A Restful Place

“Oh father,” she breathed. “Look at the sunset. Look at the colors.” This hill was her favorite spot in all the worlds. She and her father had years’ worth of conversations sitting on this exact hill, under this exact tree. Discussions, debates, life lessons, stories, memories. So much had been…

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The Call of the Siren

The legend of the sirens was one we’d all heard from a young age.  Jason and his Argonauts made sure the word spread quickly through the mariners.  Beautiful women with sweetly toxic voices that could lure any man or woman to their death.  Knowing about them would not help nullify…

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The world turned to ash under the emergence of the dragons.  They weren’t supposed to be real.  They weren’t supposed to be anything more than a beautiful creature in fantasy stories.  They were supposed to stay only in our imaginations. But scientists felt the overwhelming need to make all imagination…

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A Lesser Known Deity

Gods are not created equal. I have never had the supremacy and thunder of Zeus, nor the wisdom and skill of Athena, nor the beauty and allure of Aphrodite.  I have never had the power to control weather or any of the elements.  I cannot move mountains or tame volcanoes. …

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Red Ink

This is going to sound crazy, but I know how to win a raffle every time! I discovered this about ten years ago, when I was trying to win a pair of roller blades from Skate City.  We were there for a class party, and stupid Jeanie May would not…

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