
I was fuming!  I could not believe what that asshat had done now.  Though I should have known; all signs pointed to douche-baggery.  No one was cute enough to forgive that! I snatched out my ancient P.O.S. cell phone and dialed bestie with shaking hands.  It was already ringing when…

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Adorably Creepy.

That is what I decided my brand would be.  It fits me.  It fits my writing.  It fits my life. I mean, just look at that smile.  Adorable right? Now, check my Google search history, and let me talk to you about serial killers.  Then you’ll understand more of the…

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White Walls

I’d gotten used to the barren white walls after only a couple weeks.  They were worth it for her.  Anything was worth it for her.  If I had to wear the same clothes day in and day out and stare at nothing but sterile, desolate white walls to see her…

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Rules of the Gala & Thundersnow

I had forgotten I’d written these! They were for the Pikes Peak Writer’s Conference competition in 2018 (before I took over, because people got upset that I won every year). But I wrote them out on paper, and hand counted all the words – so I had no soft copies…

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My Thing

Welp friends, it’s Monday. Yeah, I know.  I know.  I used the word “welp”, and I’m not taking it back. My deep thoughts today revolve around the advice I think every writer gets at some point in their life – Write what you know.  And you know what?  It’s good…

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